ADi News2016-02-03 15:31:14

Patria AMV vehicle selected by the United Arab Emirates

The Gen­eral Head­quar­ters of the United Arab Emi­rates' Armed Forces has or­dered Pa­tria AMV 8x8 ar­moured wheeled ve­hi­cles. All de­tails of the con­tract are clas­si­fied.

"This is a mag­nif­i­cent ex­ten­sion for the on­go­ing, suc­cess­ful co-op­er­a­tion be­tween the UAE Armed Forces and Pa­tria. UAE Armed Forces have been very sat­is­fied with their ex­ist­ing AMV ve­hi­cles as they meet all the cus­tomer's needs and are suit­able for the needed, chal­leng­ing cir­cum­stances. These ve­hi­cles will be pro­duced by our Pol­ish part­ner in a very tight time sched­ule. The agree­ment done now is very sig­nif­i­cant for Pa­tria, and we are ex­cited about this and look­ing for­ward to pro­vid­ing the ve­hi­cles", says Mika Kari, Pres­i­dent of Pa­tria Land busi­ness unit.

Pa­tria AMV of­fers ef­fec­tive pro­tec­tion, in­creased mo­bil­ity, mod­u­lar­ity and com­bat proven per­for­mance. The ve­hi­cle's struc­tural so­lu­tions en­able high pay­load ca­pac­ity, high level of pro­tec­tion and in­te­gra­tion of heavy weapon sys­tems. Pa­tria AMV has re­ceived ex­cel­lent feed­back from cus­tomers for its per­for­mance in com­bat and cri­sis man­age­ment op­er­a­tions in Afghanistan and Chad. Pa­tria has con­tracts for over 1,400 Pa­tria AMV ve­hi­cles.

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